19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Case study



Estimated project value

$12.5 billion

Our involvement

2014 and ongoing

Our role

Strategic Project Development
Commercial Advisory and Governance
Transaction Advisory
Procurement Management
Commercial Management of the Martin
Place unsolicited proposal

Project Description

Sydney Metro is Australia’s biggest public transport project. A new standalone railway, this 21st century network will deliver 31 metro stations and more than 65km of new metro rail for Australia’s biggest city – revolutionising the way Sydney travels. From Sydney’s booming North West region, metro rail will run under Sydney Harbour, through new underground stations in the CBD and beyond to the south west. Sydney Metro, together with signalling and infrastructure upgrades across the existing Sydney rail network, will increase the capacity of train services entering the Sydney CBD – from about 120 an hour today to up 200 services beyond 2024.

Sydney Metro - City & South West

The $12.5 billion Sydney Metro City & South West project comprises Tunnel & Station Excavation (TSE) Works made up of 15.5 kilometres of twin bored tunnels from Chatswood, under Sydney Harbour and Sydney’s CBD, and through to Sydenham.

The TSE Works package is a fixed price lump sum design and construct contract for demolition and site preparation, tunnel boring, and the lining and excavation of stations between Chatswood and Sydenham.

Our Involvement

ProSquared led the procurement of the $2.8 billion TSE Works for the Sydney Metro City & South West project and was responsible for the civil works requirements, team management and coordination across the Sydney Metro project, government agencies, and negotiations with tenderers. The procurement was the first of the major works packages for the Sydney Metro City & South West project to be procured and was successfully delivered against all milestones.

As a separate workstream the team led the procurement of the TSE Delivery Partner (Project Management Consultant to support Sydney Metro), from requirements development, through tender negotiations, award and mobilisation.